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1-Day Workplace Mediation Support

What is Mediation?
Mediation is a process to resolve conflict. It is an informal, safe, voluntary and respectful way to help parties resolve conflict or disputes in a confidential way. It resolves workplace tensions and disputes quickly and efficiently, preventing conflict from becoming divisive. Mediation empowers the parties to reflect, identify and agree a new and more effective way of working together. Mediation promotes healthy communication and collaboration – getting relationships at work back on track, and is completed in a single day with our accredited Mediator.
What is the cost of unresolved conflict?
The cost of conflict at work is huge – increased absence and turnover, distraction of peoples time leading to poor performance, reduced engagement and therefore reduced business results. The personal cost to individuals experiencing conflict is also significant – the impact on their mental health, family life and performance at work.
In the UK, workplace conflicts costs £28.5 billion annually. Only 0.8% of this is attributed to the cost of Mediation.
What is the role of the Mediator?
To provide a safe and structured process. To remain objective, neutral, non-judgmental and provide equal support to all parties. The Mediator ensures a safe and constructive environment so that all parties can engage in open and honest dialogue. To identify real root causes and develop opportunities for parties to create win/win outcomes and agree the resolution.
What is the process?
During the 1-day Mediation Process:
- Referral – A conflict is acknowledged and a referral is made to the Mediator with basic background information provided.
- Contact – Our mediator calls both parties separately to explain the process, checks for concerns and secures commitment to continue at an agreed date.
- 1st Meeting – On the day of mediation, the mediator holds the 1st separate meeting with both parties to hear their full story and begin preparing a written statement.
- 2nd Meeting – The mediator then holds a 2nd separate meeting with both parties to prepare them for the joint meeting.
- Joint Meeting – The mediator facilitates open exchange, joint problem solving and action planning and an agreement is drafted and signed off. If relevant, a follow up is planned.
1-Day Workplace Mediation Support is £1,250 + VAT and travel
About our Mediators
Our workplace mediators are senior HR Leaders who have successfully delivered commercial people strategies in challenging public and private sectors. They have a passion for creating and sustaining positive and engaging work environments and see mediation as a cost effective way to resolve conflict – to allow the parties to re-establish trust, restore harmony and revitalise creativity and innovation leading to better business results.
To book Workplace Mediation, contact enquiries@waddingtonbrown.co.uk