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Home > News > HR Leaders of East Anglia Conference – from the Borneo jungle to East Anglian bore holes!

October 21, 2021

HR Leaders of East Anglia Conference – from the Borneo jungle to East Anglian bore holes!

After 18 months of postponements, it was absolutely wonderful to welcome back members of the HR community from across the East Of England to a live event.

Our four speakers each had completely different stories to share, yet there was an overarching theme of looking to the future and embracing change in a way that benefits employees, your communities and the environment.

Tom Bryant, who has spent 25 years or more working around the world in HR and L&D leadership roles, gave a personal insight in the impact of COVID, having to radically rethink his business and ‘walk the talk’ of having a change mindset that he had been working with leadership teams to develop for years.

Tanya Curry, interim CEO of The Ramblers talked about stripping away complexity and being prepared to open that ‘too difficult’ drawer when it comes to leadership. Her focus on having strong, strategic HR working with her to deliver significant changes was a message she was keen for the audience to hear. You can connect with Tanya via LinkedIn here.

Jo Metcalfe from Greener Growth showed it’s possible to create spaces in neglected areas and tiny plots that uplift the senses, provide wellbeing opportunities, enhance nature and give employees places to connect and engage in different ways. As a community interest company, the team put the profits from their commercial projects back into community-based projects.

Susannah Clements, Group People Director at Anglian Water Services, shared how the company, with the support of their shareholders, changed their company constitution – the Articles of Association – so that, for the long term, their directors are required to consider the impact of the decisions they make on the community and the environment, as well as providing fair returns to our shareholders. AWS are the first water company to take such a fundamental step. You can connect with Susannah via LinkedIn here.

Our speakers took to the stage together to answer audience questions, with topics ranging from mindset to imposter syndrome, behaviours v skills and what was the best movie ever made about HR!