Building Effective Habits – Lunch & Learn Workshop Series

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Building Effective Habits – Lunch & Learn Workshop Series

Why build habits into your teams?

In an age of information overload, we are flooded with an abundance of content. It’s all too easy to lose touch with our natural rhythms, and we can quickly slip from productive to overwhelmed.

It is predicted that 70 – 80% of what we do each day habitual. Why? Habits are nature’s natural way of conserving energy. If we were to wake up in the morning without a single programmed habit, we would be overwhelmed and fatigued by choice.


How to solve it:
Behaviour changes can be made by understanding and evolving habits, centred around the cycle of cue, craving, response and reward.

Our sessions help individuals obtain the best out of their operating systems, their bodies and brains via a process of habit optimization. This enables your people to prosper under modern-day demands, while above all looking after themselves for sustainable performance.


Who you’ll be working with:

Rebecca Liljendahl is an expert in Habit Transformation, a certified coach registered with the International Coaching Federation, and a CIPD-qualified HR professional, specialising in Learning and Development.

Having worked in the Health and Wellbeing industry for nearly a decade, Rebecca now provides specialist health and wellbeing training to companies, charities and the NHS across the UK.

Using the latest science and research around health, wellbeing and behavioural change, Rebecca inspires people to change their own habits and make sustainable, practical and impactful improvements in their lives


Watch our Webinar with Rebecca on Mastering Habits by clicking here


The Workshops

Rebecca offers a range of workshops, run in-house for your employees, or online for remote teams. These can be lunch and learns, or longer sessions. And topics can be run individually, or as part of a programme – the flexibility is yours.

Each session provides the following learning experience:
✓ Guided exploration of science-based theory and history.
✓ Explore personal experiences and evaluate information.
✓ Increase awareness of what you do, what you choose to do and why.
✓ Understand how to get what you want and produce action steps.

✓ Interactive group discussions – Build personal awareness of yourself and others.
✓ Facilitate team understanding and connection.
✓ Time to practice active listening and coaching.
✓ Engaging, high energy and playful curiosity.
✓ Videos, course notes, coaching questions and further reading


Workshop Topics:

  • Introduction to Building Habits – The Science of behaviour change
  • Homeworker Habits – Optimising your environment for personal results
  • How to Perform Under Pressure – Controlling your fight/flight response
  • Take Command of Your Thought Loops – Understanding that you are not your thoughts
  • The Habit of Communication Part 1 – The art of listening
  • The Habit of Communication Part 2 – Deep questions
  • Hidden Potential – Understand what holds you back
  • The Time Trap – The myth of time and how to harness it
  • The Hunger Games – Decoding your energy levels through nutritional habits
  • Digital Distraction – Create focus in a competing world
  • The Sleep Leap – Sleep habits for the modern day world


Curious to know more about how Rebecca can support your employees’ habit building to become happier and more productive?

Contact us on to talk more about what you need for your teams.